The rolling home

The rolling home

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Now we are in Minnneapolis.Where some of our friends live.

Our friends our letting us stay in there ouse for a few days.My room is awesome!!!I get my own tv and my own bed with an awesome  view of the outside street.

In Minneapolis,the weather is either really hot,or really cold.....there is absolutely no,in between. So,they created these things called skywalks.The skywalks or the skywalk,is basically this giant mall that always changes its inside temperature to be the opposite of the temperature outside.It will be freezing cold,like cold the you are not supposed to be outside.And you will se people with shorts and tank tope or short sleeve t-shirts and a giant back pack,and they will be going to the skywalk mall because the temperature is always the right weather.The skywalks part of the skywalk mall,are these walkways that go straight three the city right across the buildings.And,a few years ago,my dad installed an art piece in one of the skywalks.

There are so many big buildings and pieces of art work in Minneapolis.A few years ago,a bridge collapsed in Minneapolis,and sssoooo many people died.The memorial for them are 6 giant glowing neon tubes in front of a fountain.Anyway here is a pic of me next to a jackalope.A long time ago,there were these hunters,that would attach antelope horns to jack rabbits,and would trick tourists that these animals were real ,but they were going extinct,and people would believe them and buy these jackalopes for hundreds of dollars.We found this one in one of the biggest tourist places of is well known for all of the junk that they cell.They also are known for there free iced water which is only occasionally cold.More pictures will be posted on the next blog post.

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