Ok,so last post,I told you that I found magic in the cement jungle known as New York or Manhattan.Well,for the past 2 days,I found magic in nature.Nature can be beautiful.But it can also be...not so magical and a little ...buggy.Now,right after I had taken a long nature walk ,i came inside to Skype my friend Aivy.And all of a suede,I see about 7 bugs crawling on the wall.And we were in Pennsylvania which is coincidentally ,was the home of the stink bug.So,after we got the stink bugs OUT of the RV , we turn around,and see that the outside of the RV,is completely,covered in stink bugs.So, we had to stay in the RV for about an hour until it got darker out and all of them went away.Then,afar dinner,we took another walk.And this,was one of the most beautiful and family oriented campsites i have ever been in.Everyone was outside in front of a fire talking and playing games and it was great.Now,there is a difference between a few families at a small camps,and a wwhhoollee lot of families at a hhhuuuuggggggeeeee campground.So,at the camp we are at now,there are at least 200 sites at this camp,and i is crawling with kids.Just like at there campground was crawling with stink bugs.Now,I think that you all know that I am in the Rv for 3 months with just my parents,so when I see a huge group of friends hanging out.It really makes me realize...I AM IN AN RV WITH JUST MY PARENTS FOR 3 MONTHS!!!!
The trip I have to say I am liking a whole lot more than I thought I would.But it does get hard sometimes being the only kid.Now I can Skype with my friends and I have been,but there is a trampoline at this campsite and i know that my parents won't even get near it,and trampolines aren't fun when you are all by yourself.So thats one example of a time when i really which i wasn't the only kid.
The one thing I did not except to see on this trip...was a bunch of kids.Like2 I said above this campsite was crawling with kids.And unlike the last campground which is one of my favorite camps so far...this one is my least favorite campground.Its kind like New york,its full of nature....but all of the people are kind of brusk.
Although we have only been here for 2 hours,the best thing so far has been when my dad and I went to throw away the garbage ,and we decided to literally try and trow it away.we grabbed the top of the bag and then threw it right into the dumpster.We were out there for about 10 minutes,when we finally got it in..and by the end,,we had an audience cheering us on.PICTURES!!!!!!!here is a picture of Niagra falls.
wow that a really pretty picture of Niagra Falls!!!!!!!!!